The last meeting of the GreenCoach project

The GreenCoach project is concluding satisfactorily and the last meetings between partners are taking place to ensure that the results of the project have been completed as expected
This autumn, in Barcelona, the last Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the Green Coach project has taken place. As the project concludes at the end of 2022, all the outputs have been completed and the first ever platform to calculate the environmental footprint of grassroot football clubs (the GreenTool) is the highlight of this collaborative project. The meeting lasted for two days with the presentation of the work done by each one of the partners. Great effort has been put by all the project partners all long during the last 3 years and the last TPM has been a great opportunity to assess the results and successes of the project as well as the handicaps and difficulties found along the way. The continuity and promotion of the GreenTool platform has been also discussed, as the aim of the partners is to promote and improve it and not let it to be forgotten after the project ends.
During the meeting, a ceremony was celebrated to award the most inspiring football federation based on the efforts placed during the project and in the creation and promotion of the GreenTool. The winner was the Association des Clubs Francophones de Football (ACFF) and a commemorative trophy was given to its representative.