The Green Tool from Green Coach project has been completed and is ready to be used!

After a long time and massive work, the GreenTool is ready for use by sport organizations to monitor their environmental footprint!
The Green Tool is the central element of the Green Coach project, being a tool designed for monitoring the consumption and environmental impact of sports clubs. The platform allows the clubs to introduce data about their energy use and water consumption, their waste management, the transportation of players and the use of sport apparel. All this data is processed to calculate the environmental footprint of the club, awarding the clubs with a Green Team Seal (Gold, Silver, or Bronze), or a Don’t Give Up message, depending on their environmental impact, as a way to certify how sustainable clubs are allowing them to improve and embrace their environmental responsibility and fostering their path towards a more sustainable one.
Any club can register freely to the platform, use it, and get a Seal through the following link: https://www.greencoacherasmus.eu/green-coach-tool/login.php. Also, the clubs can have access to tips for improving their environmental performance together with educational modules for staff and players and other support documents on how to incorporate more sustainable practices.
Football fans and individuals can also access the Green Tool Community Area to explore the results of the clubs, filtering by country, season, and field of impact. Moreover, users are presented with information about the countries where the clubs belong to, providing them information about the climate and geographical context that may affect the overall environmental impact, since is not the same having an average of 8 hours of daylight compared to 5 hours, of course this will have an effect over the energy consumption. Additionally, to increase awareness and stimulate change, tips and general information are provided to fans and individuals to help understanding how football can impact the environment and to be able to act and be more sustainable by making small changes in their lifestyle. The Green Tool Community Area is accessible through the following link: https://www.greencoacherasmus.eu/green-coach-tool/.
The Green Tool platform has been in design process for over a year in parallel to the Green Coach website, where all the supporting documents and materials are available. It has been designed by Tecnomedia Digital in collaboration with Ecoserveis and Santa’Anna University.
The main objective of the tool is to generate awareness in the public, sports organisations, and sports centres regarding the environmental footprint and sustainability, and to motivate and promote responsible and conscious behaviour and the adoption of sustainable solutions by both the management teams of sport clubs and by the fans.